Astrology by date of birth and time-How Astrology works in human life
Astrology works in human life
Astrology by date of birth and time based on the time of birth, date and place of birth of mankind, by determining the position of the planets in the space at the time of birth or by determining the position of the planets at the time of question or by using various methods including palmistry, body sign judgment, the knowledge and method of determining the future motion nature of the human being is called astrology. Again, a division of astrology is the earth, country, States, cities, villages etc. and also used to predict natural phenomena such as rain, thunderstorm, hailstorm, earthquake, storm, storm, epidemic or flood.
Astrological formulas only indicate future possibilities, but do not speak of certain events. That is because astrologers believe that man can control and change his destiny to a great extent either by his own actions or by God’s blessings or a combination of the two. Many scientists do not accept astrology because of this variation in certainty.
How Cosmic Rays work in human body and mind
An ancient question in astrology is how distant planets, stars influence people’s lives? It is not possible to answer in one word.
However, even if we leave out the other planets and stars, we can see with the naked eye that the influence of Moon and Ravi is not only in human life, but spread all over the world.
But how do cosmic rays affect human life?
This phenomenon starts happening from the moment the human child is born.
Which time will be considered as the Astrology by date of birth and time of people?
In ancient scriptures there was a Lagna called Adhan Lagna. This Lagna is the time of conception or birth of the fetus in the mother’s womb. During that time Aadhaan Kushti was prepared and calculated Astrology by date of birth and time.In those days, people had mystical powers, so they could know that the fetus was born in the mother’s womb. Then judging from that Adhaan Lagna, before the birth of the child, the physical condition of the child in different months in the mother’s womb was known.
But at present, Astrology by date of birth and time after the birth of the child, which time will we take as the Astrology by date of birth and time log? There are different opinions of various sages on this matter. But I think it is appropriate to take the time of crying of the newborn as birth lagna. Because from that Astrology by date of birth and time there is a transmission of life in him. When a human child is born, all its body parts are as soft and tender as the petals of a flower. All the surrounding things present at that time influence him. The cosmic rays and the seven colors of the sun enter his body and mind. Then according to their force at that Astrology by date of birth and time they influence his body and mind and determine his future physical and mental structure and destiny. We know that different parts of the human body are governed by different planets, according to the position of the planets at birth, the nutrition or malnutrition of that part is created. For example, we know that Mars acts on the blood of the body. So if Mars is weak at the Astrology by date of birth and time,the native will suffer from blood diseases.
Consistency of elements and energies in the zodiac
We are made up of four basic elements according to the zodiac formula. Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Three types of Shakti work with the above four elements, namely Char, Sathya and Dattaka.
We can take our life to the right destination by combining the above elements and energy, if the right combination of elements and energy does not happen, then we will not be able to run the life properly. 1) Now let us see what is the harmony of material and energy.
First let’s come to the element of air – air is never stationary, it is always in flux. So there will be harmony of Char energy with Vayu (Libra). Char Sita can spread the air everywhere in the core like his mind by his own power.
Air + Char predominates in any zodiac sign, the native will be able to conduct himself with full independence of logic, he will not stop due to predominance of Char energy, will be able to establish himself everywhere by reason, love of change is their characteristic, the said characteristic By maintaining, they will be able to make great progress in life i.e. reach the right destination.
2) The earth element is fixed in its own place, its place cannot be changed, its good/bad everything is fixed in its own place, so such earth needs stable energy, in combination of these two the native/Jatika will succeed in life with his own thinking ideal principle by steady energy. That is, he will reach his right destination.
3) Agni Upadana- We know that fire is always kindled, that means it does not move around, it does not stay in one place like the earth, it always wants to move upwards, when it gets a chance it moves sideways, to use more/less of it according to our needs (force). In this case, it should be remembered that if the fire spreads everywhere in excess, then it is an inauspicious indicator. Therefore, we can use fire as less/more as we need, the right energy for the fire element in the expression is Dattaka, both char and static energy are present in it, if the above elements are present in the Bhava Chakra. + If there is a combination of energies then the native/Jatika will be able to move forward in life as per his/her needs. It can be said that Jataka / Jatika will be able to manage his multi-faceted talent, extraordinary ability of senses, emotional tendency with well-controlled ability and will gain self-interest in life and reach the destination.
4) Water element – liquid, no shape/motion/color, color that can be matched, motion that can be given energy, shape of container that can be placed ie we need size, color, We can use water with energy, if we apply too much energy to water, it can spread and go elsewhere, and if we don’t apply energy, it will stop at one place. Therefore, if we use such a liquid material by Char Shakti, we will fail to use it in all our works, and if we use static energy, it will be fixed in one place, and we cannot use it everywhere when needed. So we can use the water element in our life only by divine energy (as and when).
If water and earth predominance are observed in the zodiac, then the native will be able to reach his destination by his own taste, clear mindedness, imagination tendency. This means that fire and water elements require divine energy.
Earth needs constant,
Forage needs air.